."What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung
I really enjoyed Mr. McClung's blog, What I've Learned this Year. Although, he was just a first year teacher he gave so many vital tips and information about being a teacher.The first point Mr. McClung made was that teachers always need to remember where their focus should be in the classroom. The focus should not be on the teacher or even on the delivery of the lesson, but the main focus should always be on the students no matter what. Next, he mentioned that teachers had to be flexible, and not try so hard to give the perfect lesson. He points out that lessons never go as perfect as you plan, but when activites go wrong the best thing to do is make the best of the situation. Mr. Mclung also touched on the importance of communication with your fellow co-workers and students. Communication helps build relationships and work out any problems that might occur.
Another good point Mr. McClung mentioned was that teachers must be reasonable. Many times teachers set to high of standards for their students, and then scold them when they do not meet those standards. The important thing is to never lose sight of who you are dealing with, childen, and every one is different. Another important topic mentioned in this blog is that teachers should not be afraid of technology. Technology is a good thing, and can really make great things happen in the classroom. Mr. McClung also said, which to me was one of the most important tips, that teachers should listen to their students. Know about their personal lives and get involved this shows your students that you care and listening also builds a strong student teacher bond. Lastly, Mr. McClung says that teachers should never stop learning which is very important. Always learn from every circumstance you expierence to grow as a teacher. I enjoyed this blog very much. Although, all of these tips from Mr. McClung were very basic, and I believe that is what made them so helpful. I think so many times we over analyis education, and really teachers should get back to the basic points like the ones above
I really enjoyed your post.