Access:Distance Learning Website
The Access Distance Learning project was started October 1, 2005 by Governor Bob Riley and his work force. We are finding Schools all across America that are not offering the same educational opportunities as others. The goal of Distance learning is to create equal educational opportunities for all students in Alabama's public schools. In many cases we are seeing lower income schools not being able to provide students with AP classes, advanced diploma classes or even basic core classes such as physics, calculus, or trigonometry. Alabama ranks 14 out of 16 Southern states in AP offerings. The goal of Access is to provide all Alabama students with equal educational opportunities, and the access to the highest quality education no matter what public school the student is attending. The Access project aims to eventually provide all Alabama public schools with more advanced diploma, AP, and general core courses. Access is a form of distance learning,which is defined as "learning experiences in which instructors and students are separated by space and/or time". There are three general ways information is transported to students in distance learning including web base, video conferencing, and a blend between the Internet and video conferencing. Through these modes of technology access can provide a student with high quality education, exceptional teachers, and more courses through the use of technology. Through video conferencing schools that might have other wise not been able to provide certain courses now have the opportunity to broaden their course opportunities, and create equal access to students. Distance learning benefits not only students, but teachers also.

Alabama public schools that are using access gain more teachers, allow students and teachers to interact and learn from others from different schools, and resources are provided for faculty to better their abilities, and enhance the level of education being provided. Access provides online classes for students that will be taken during regular school hours. Teachers will interact with students during the provided class time or after hours. Teachers must learn how to properly use the Access equipment and be willing to work with students individually or give extra instruction and time when involved in distance learning. Students also have to adapt to distance learning in ways such as being more independent, and active in Access courses. Access classrooms can provide everything a traditional classroom has and more. E teachers can offer online study guides, test reviews,quizzes, and exams. Access classrooms can even have online projects and presentations. Distance learning allows students to work at their own pace and even have to opportunity to repeat a lesson they were struggling with. Access provides a different way of education and supports different learning styles that best fit the student. In my opinion, I think distance learning is a very import aspect of education, and I believe it could have a huge impact on education today. As a future teacher I will see myself incorporating distance learning into my classroom. Access is such a useful tool in education because it gives equal course access to students no matter where they come from or what their situation is. I will also use the Access program to further my teaching skills,learn from other teachers experiences, and as a result improve the over all educational experience for my future students. In conclusion, The Access distance learning project provides great opportunity to not only provide a higher level of education, but to further students lives and futures.