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Part one of the how we dream video by Richard Miller was talking about the incremental changes we are seeing in writting. For the most part, people were raised on relating writting to books. When an author would write a book they would be published as a book we would easily find in a library or book store. I mostly think of writting's as concrete objects like a book, magazine, journal, but in todays world that is quickly changing. I believe the point Mr. Miller was trying to portray in the firt video is that writting in today's world is changing. Books, magazines, and newspaper articles are not just being found in libraries anymore. They are no longer just found in text with pictures, they are expanding online in all different ways like pictures, films, and videos.Writting can be deliverd to your door in a book or magazine or it can be found right on your computer. The places we are writting in todays culture is changing. It use to be that people would write out all of their notes or use a type writter, now people today work on desktops, and the internet. Writting can literally take place anywhere, and you have access to all information through the internet. The second change that is occuring in our writting these days is collaberation. In todays world we can post so much more than simple text on the internet. Visual documents are all over the internet that included pictures, sounds, videos, and interviews. With the help of the internet people can gather sources from all over the world and put everything together to create an amazing piece of work.
The second part of the video was talking more about a larger aspect or dream of having visual literacy. To me I think having visual and online literacy can be such a useful tool not only to education, but to the entire world. Dr. Miller made the point that having all of these online texts could be a way to get ideas out and to share ideas with the entire world. One of the main problems with writing today is that when text is only found in books it usually is missing that wow factor that is gained through pictures, graphics, videos, ect. Multimedia can solve this problem. There are no limits on what can be done for online literacy using the internet, and through using collabrative information found on the web. Online lituature could get that wow factor that will not only draw in listeners, but keep them intrested. Indeed that is one of the main point Mr. Miller mentioned in his second video. Writting's found online should not just be text on the internet, they should be beautiful and inspiring. We have all the tools to make online lituracy a work of creativity, and he is saying that is what we should do. The reason we should make online literacy something creative and inspiring is because it has the possiblilty of reaching an entire world. Most books would take twice the time to publish, print and get out into the public then creating a online piece of liturature. Not only would text take longer to get out to the public, it would take longer for it to circulate through out the public. Technology is so depended on these days that people would discover and pass on online liturature so much quicker than say a book. So you might ask what is the point of all this? Well Mr. Miller makes a great point when he talks about the goal of all of this, and thats to share ideas. He states that ideas should not just be your own they should have the opportunity to be heard and listned to by all. Online literacy has the chance to articulate dreams into realities, and make ideas visable to all people.

I think this new way of writting is a great idea not only for education, but also for people all around the word. In the classroom this in my opinion could really spark the intrests of students. Students could actually be learning how to write like education traditionally teaches, but at the same time add a more intresting factor. I know durring highschool and even college I was not exposed to all of the ways I could make my writting intresting with visual and audio graphics. I think if schools incorporate teaching writting through online literacy it could teach important skills that students would most definitly use in the future. Becuase technology use is growing at exponential rates it makes sense to adapt our education around that. Teaching online literacy and multimedia would only enhance students opportunities is such a technology rich world. As a future teacher I am more than willing to incorporate this type of learning in my classrooms, and I think it could make a monumental difference not only in education but in society itself.
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