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iTunesU has proved to be so invauluable to students all over the world for several reasons. As a student, the first reason I think iTunesU is so helpful is because of the information that is being offerd. As a student I often run into the problem about finding reliable,up to date sources. With a growing amount of people posting whatever they want on the internent these days its often times very difficult to find information that is true. With iTunesU all information that is being displayed are from top universities, meusems, pds stations, and other well known cultural instituions. This eliminates fasle unrealiable sources, and only allows information to be display from those who are highly qualified. This is tremedousely helpful to students because it gets rid of the possibility they are citing false information. The second reason iTunesU is so helpful to students is that class lectures, lab demo's and campus tours are available to watch or listen to. Top universities including Cambridge University, Oxford University, Yale University,and Harvard University just to name a few actually post class lectures as podcasts or videocasts. This is extremly benificial for students who want to go back and re-listen to their lecture, write notes over again, or become more clear about a topic. Also, it aids students because education becomes to be on their time. Ofcourse students will have to attend class, but when they are ready they can acess that informtion all over again. Learning does not just stop in the class room, but it can be acessed at any time. Students are known to have very hectic crazy schedules, and with iTunesU students could learn while working around their schedules. Not only can iTunesU be helpful to actual students who go to these top Universities that subscribe, but all students can use these tools. Students all across the world can acess top university lectures given by some of the most highly qualified speakers in the world. The third benifit iTunesU gives to students is the ability to subscribe to the podcasts and vodcasts. Alot of the lectures and labs posted are on going and many teachers post new lectures everyday. iTunesU allows anyone to subcrible to whatever course they want and when new lectures or information is posted on the selected course it will be automatically downloaded to your itunes on your computer. Students can constantly stay updated on the newest information available.
Students can actually follow and entire course and listen or view each lecture that say a Harvard student listens to everyday in the classroom. iTunesU is opening up opportunities for all students and people to have the chance to learn the highest quality of education, not just those who are in the top universities. Another very helpful aspect of iTunesU is its accessability not only of time, but of place. Students can actually download the vodcasts or podcasts of teacher lectures, or other educational videos directly to their computers, ipods, or iphones. This to me is one of the most important benifits. iTunesU has made it possible for students to be anywhere at anytime to learn. Students no longer have to be sitting at a computer desk or in the library to do homework or study. Because this educational information can be acessed through your ipod or iphone a student could pretty much go anywhere to learn. While they are walking down a street or riding a bike they could be listening to a lecture or sitting in a cafe they could be studying. The possiblilites are endless with the use of iTunesU. It has opend up so many opportunities for students to learn that would have never had the chance to if iTunesU did not exist. The last positive outcome of iTunesU on students is that it is free. For most of the general population when you are a student money is alway tight. I feel like I am always budjeting, and crunching pennies. Honestly, I thought iTunesU had to have charged something for the quality information, and endless options it was providing, but to my great suprise iTunesU is completly 100% free, and is acessable by anyone at anytime.In conclusion, I think iTunesU is invaulable to a student,and it opens up an entire new world to learning.
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