The Networked Student
The networked student is all about how students and classrooms will be like in the future. In this video it takes an example of a student that is taking a class with no book and his teacher rarely gives lectures. The reason behind this different way of teaching is called connectivism. This teacher believes that learning can take place through all different kind of social networks, connections, and ties between people. These connections between other people are made possible by technology tools, and by having these different ties with people it is supposed to strengthen the learning process for that student. Before starting a class like this a student must first build his social network by practicing by finding valid webcites and determinding what information is helpful and reliable. Once he masters these steps he takes useful information he finds about his topic and posts it on his social bookmarking site, a place where people can share URL's they have bookmarked on specific topics. This allows everyone to find helpful realiable information on a specific topic.
Next, the student looks at others blogs about his topic to better understand what others opinions are on his topic. He can choose to make comments on others blogs to give his point of view or even subscribe to certain blogs and be informend when the blog has been updated. After he has gained a well rounded knowledge base about his topic through research and reading others blogs he can create his own blog. The student can blog about his own personal thoughts about his topic, and write down all that he has learned about his topic along the way. Another way this student can learn is through his iPod. With the use of iTunesU he can subscribe to thousands of lectures, and more importantly ones that apply to his topic. Through his iPod the student can hear lectures of his topic from the most prestiges colleges in the world. Another important thing the student can do is contact authors or highly qualified professional to set up a video conference through skpe that he can play to the class. This is an amazing opportunity that in many cases in a regualar classrom would not happen. By the end of the class this student has created an online learning network that is useful, efficent, and may even have professional advice. The great thing about this kind of learning is that know students who take this class after can go use previous students reseach to help aid them in their topic research. People from all over the world can see what you have to offer on a specific topic and learn from what you have worked so hard to create.
So the question is asked, why is a teacher even neccessary for this type of class? Although, this type of learning is in somewhat independant a great deal of it depends on the teacher too. The teacher is responsible for teaching students how to build these personal educational learning networks. Students have to have something to start with, and learn how to even begin a process like this. The teacher also teaches their students how to recongnize good vialble resources from unreliable information. They also teach how to narrow down a search, and the best ways in which to search for your topic. Teachers are there for students when they get stuck and need guidence or have questions. They also provide ways to teach students how to organize this massive amount of information they are finding out about their topics.Lastly, and quite possibly one of the most important skills these teachers give is the proper and correct way to communicate, and how to ask ask in respectful ways for help. With opportunities to deal with experts on their topics students must know the correct way to communicate, and how to ask for help with their topic information in an appropraite way.
In conclusion, I think this type of teaching is an amazing opportunity for students to be more independent in ways, but also to be exposed to opportunities they would never have in traditional schooling. Networked schooling teaches the importance of not only technology, but the vitality of connections with people. It shows just how much we can inspire and teach one another, and be pro active with learning. I would absolutly be prepared to be a teacher for a networked student, and would like to incorporate this type of learning into my own classroom one day. I think network learning creates a way for students to be inspired and self motivated, not just going through the motions of learning.I also think networked learning will inspire students to get more involved in the classroom. Overall, I think this is a great way of learning, and should be used alot more.
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